How to create file?
As developers, we know a compelling README is more than just documentation. In this post, we will look at how we can create a readme file on our project.
A README file in a GitHub repository serves as a crucial piece of documentation for your project. The README is often the first item a visitor encounters when they explore your repository. It provides an initial glimpse into your project.
Remember, a well-structured README not only informs but also makes your project stand out in the GitHub ecosystem. So, take the time to create a concise yet detailed README for your repository!
What a good README should contain
When creating a readme, you don't have to put everything inside the readme file. But it's always good for a readme file to have these stuffs in it.
Project Title: Begin with a concise and descriptive title for your project. This helps users quickly understand what your project is about. Better explain why you choose the title.
Project Description: Provide a brief overview of your project. Explain its purpose, features, and functionality. Consider answering questions like: What problem does it solve? Why is it useful? What motivates you to create the project? What is the purpose of the project?
Installation Instructions: Include step-by-step instructions on how to install and set up your project. Mention any dependencies or prerequisites.
Usage Guide: Explain how to use your project. Describe its main functionalities, commands, and expected behavior. Provide examples or code snippets if possible.
Getting Started: Offer a clear guide on how to get started with your project. This section should cover the basics, such as how to run the project locally or deploy it.
Contributing Guidelines: If your welcome contributions from other developers, outline how they can contribute. Specify guidelines for submitting pull requests, reporting issues, and collaborating.
License Information: Include details about the project’s license. Choose an appropriate license (e.g., MIT, Apache, GPL) and provide a link to the full license text.
Acknowledgments and Credits: If your project uses external libraries, APIs, or resources, give credit to the authors or sources. Acknowledge any contributors or collaborators.
How to Create?
Once you have created your own repository in either Github, Bitbucket, or any version control platform. Their is a file
in the root directory of the project, if it does not exist create one.
Here is a basic structure for your README, this is just a simple sample, and you can style your readme what ever you want. You can refer to Github doc's page, on how different format works.
# Project Title
Project Title
## Project Description
Brief description of what the project is all about.
## Installation Instructions
How to install the package/software/ etc.
## Usage Guide
Guidelines for contributors.
## Contributing Guidelines
Guidelines for contributers.
## License Information
Write your license information.
## Acknowledgments and Credits
Write down people's name and what they achieved to help the project grow, or just a face image and a link to their pages.
Copy pastes it on your readme file, and also remove some parts that you don't need on your readme like "Acknowledgements" especially if you're a solo developer. And enter the formations.
Once you're done, automatically your readme will be rendered as a page intro for your repository.
You don't have to follow the full structure of what your readme contains, but you have to use what is necessary.
Examples from big Projects:
tensorflow/tensorflow: An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone (
facebook/react-native: A framework for building native applications using React (
What to avoid including to your README file
While there isn’t a single rigid structure for a good README, there are some best practices to follow. Equally important is understanding what a README should not contain:
Irrelevant Details: Avoid including information that doesn’t directly relate to the project. Keep the README focused on what’s necessary for understanding and using the code.
Excessive Length: A README should be concise but informative. Don’t overwhelm readers with unnecessary verbosity. Longer documentation is better suited for wikis or separate files.
Unformatted Text: Poorly formatted text can be hard to read. Use headings, bullet points, and code blocks to organize content effectively.
Personal Stories: While it’s great to share your journey, a README isn’t the place for personal anecdotes or unrelated stories. Stick to project-related content.
Non-Functional Code: Avoid including non-functional or incomplete code snippets. If you provide examples, ensure they work as intended.
Assumptions: Don’t assume readers have prior knowledge. Clearly explain concepts, dependencies, and usage instructions.
Incomplete Installation Steps: If your project requires specific setup steps, provide clear instructions. Don’t leave out critical details.
Legal or Licensing Issues: While it’s essential to mention licenses, avoid lengthy legal disclaimers. Link to a separate license file if needed.
Unattributed Content: If you’ve borrowed code or ideas, give proper credit. Plagiarism is a no-go.
Negative Language: Keep the tone positive and helpful. Avoid negativity or criticism.
Remember, a well-crafted README enhances your project’s visibility and encourages collaboration. So, make it informative, concise, and user-friendly!
Have a good day! Cheers 🍻
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