Believers Sword
Introduce this amazing bible studying app called "Believers Sword". Whether you're new to this app or a seasoned user, the Believers Sword App is a simple application that helps you study and read the bible.
For those who do not know, I actually am a believer in Christ. Since I was a child, my parents and older sister and brother had shown and taught me how to go to church, pray, and especially read the bible. That is why I started creating Believers Sword (brojenuel.com).
I have seen a lot of bible software, and since I am a developer I tried creating my own software, and I called it believers sword. I have been working on it during my free time. Currently, the software has small features, but I am still adding new ones.
First, we have the main page which is reading the bible. In here you can navigate by tapping books on the left side and you can also see some options on the right side were you can do search.

You can also download more books by tapping the bible tab on the right-side panel. And you can check each bible version you want to be shown.

You can also bookmark a verse by right-clicking the verse and choosing the options. This will then be saved on the right-side panel under bookmarks.

Another cool thing is you can clip a note on a specific verse something like the image below. All clip notes will also be saved, and you can check these clip notes on the right panel by clicking the clip note tab.

And of course, you can highlight verse text, you just have to select the text you want to highlight, and it will automatically show an options then you just have to select the color you want.

Next, we have the sermon page. You can read, or watch sermons.

We also have a prayer list, this page is where you set your prayer list. You should know that prayer is the most important part of our life as a believer. So, I made this page for that particular reason.

That is what this software has, but I will going to add some more feature for this application. Like notes etc. If any one likes to buy and own the app. I am willing to work with you.
You can just email me here: jenuelganawed@outlook.com
If you like my work and like to support it you can donate financially here:
That's all! bye! have a nice day. 😅✊